One sure way to save money during the holidays is to not go overboard on buying expensive holiday decor every season. Chances are you already have something in the garage or closet that can be repurposed into something beautiful. This year I decided to hold off buying yet another Christmas wreath and use what I have on hand to create one!For about a year I have had this old ceiling medallion just sitting around in the garage. I purchased it at my local Restore for a few bucks and planned on repainting it because the finish wasn't my style.As I was brainstorming and going thru my supplies I realized that the filigree design on the ceiling medallion looks like leaves and would make an awesome wreath.So I painted it with some green chalk paint.I used DecoArt chalky finish paint in Enchanted.I really love how rich this green color is. It took me a while to get the paint in all those grooves within the filigree design but the process went pretty fast once I got going with my sponge brush.Once the paint dried I tied a plaid ribbon around it and hug it up on my door with command strips.I love that how this turned out and was glad I was able to put the ceiling medallion to use too! ....and because it is a plastic/Styrofoam type of material you could use outdoor paint and hang this up outside. Hop on over to my blog to see more!Original article and pictures take site
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