воскресенье, 22 ноября 2015 г.

Tin Can Craft Projects - Quick, Simple and Beautiful

I haven't been crafting at all lately so I was thinking it was about time to get out my glue, scissors, and crafting stash of goodies.
With all my stuff in my arms I called to my daughter so she could join in on the fun. She always makes something nice.
We started with a few tin cans. I pulled out white material, buttons, ribbons and lace. I told Christina to decorate her can anyway she wanted but to keep it white. And if she had anything silver to add that would be great too.

This is what we started with. A few empty spaghetti sauce cans and our crafting stash.

tin can craft projects quick simple and beautiful, crafts, repurposing upcycling

tin can craft projects quick simple and beautiful, crafts, repurposing upcycling

Christina made this. Isn't it pretty?
She started by covering the whole can inside and outside with a thin sheer fabric. It's kinda a cool cause it looks almost with it is painted but you can also see that it is fabric.

tin can craft projects quick simple and beautiful, crafts, repurposing upcycling

Then she added the shimmery ribbon to the top.
Next came the frilly lace at the base of the can.
She looked around the table to see what else she could add when she spied to stick on jewels which she placed just below the ribbon.

tin can craft projects quick simple and beautiful, crafts, repurposing upcycling

It looked finished to me but she thought it needed a little something else. That's when she decided to add the string of silver beads.
I think her project is beautiful. You can't even tell it started off as a spaghetti sauce can. That is until you turn it over and look at the bottom.

tin can craft projects quick simple and beautiful, crafts, repurposing upcycling

This is my tin can craft project. I knew exactly what I wanted to do.
I hoped the material I had in mind wouldn't be too wide. And it wasn't. It was a perfect fit.
I used fabric glue to adhere the two ends together. I made sure to fold the raw edge under by at least a 1/4" to give it a finished edge.
Then I glued down white bias tape to the edge of the can. It was coming together just as I imagined.
Lastly I wrapped thin ribbon around the can a few times and finished it off with a simple bow.

tin can craft projects quick simple and beautiful, crafts, repurposing upcycling

Next time I use this type of can again for a project I will check for a seam in the tin to make sure it is at the back.

tin can craft projects quick simple and beautiful, crafts, repurposing upcycling

Since I finished my tin can craft project so fast I decided to decorate another one. This was a challenge because I had absolutely no idea how to begin and I didn't want it to look the first tin cans.
I thought about painting it but that would take too long. Then I spied this ribbon which was a nice width, it wasn't shiny or fancy so I glued it to the top and bottom of the can.
Now what. Eww. White beads. Nice. I only had a few of the larger white beads so I had to spread them out and add some smaller beads in between.
What to do with the middle section? Maybe some lace? Why not. And some ribbon to fill in the gaps.
I was going to add a lace bow but it just didn't look right to me. Then ta-ding. A lace flower. Too hard. A circle of lace with a ..... button in the middle. Christina added the tiny white beads.

tin can craft projects quick simple and beautiful, crafts, repurposing upcycling

I can't believe the transformation.

tin can craft projects quick simple and beautiful, crafts, repurposing upcycling

Christina and I were just finishing up when my granddaughter got home from school. Of course she wanted to do a craft too. Luckily for her I still had one can all washed up and ready to go.
Faith immediatley picked up the same fabric as her Mom. I helped her glue it to the can.
Faith spied the colorful beads and before I knew it she had her project done.

tin can craft projects quick simple and beautiful, crafts, repurposing upcycling

All in all I think we had a fun afternoon of crafting. And a productive one too.

tin can craft projects quick simple and beautiful, crafts, repurposing upcycling

Original article and pictures take http://www.hometalk.com/11268181/tin-can-craft-projects-quick-simple-and-beautiful site

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